Congratulations to the Morriss family!
Penelope Mae Morriss was born Wednesday at 3:46 PM, weighed 9.6lbs, and was 21.25 inches long! As Christians we're called to serve one another and carry one another's burdens. A baby's birth is the best crisis possible and I've enjoyed being part of a small group that springs into action to serve like Jesus would. Penelope is Robert & Jhontiel's responsibilty to raise and share the Gospel with - but as part of our small group Robert & Jhontiel are OUR responsibility! So let this be a call to action: whichever small group you're a part of give yourself in service to the other members. Whether its an exciting time of new birth or a difficult time of sickness let's fulfill our calling to walk worthy of the calling we have received for the glory of God! *Not in a group? Join one this Sunday - you'll have a really hard time being a disciple without regular participation and service in a group.