Let's Be/Get Ready
"What is one word that describes First Baptist right now?" We asked that question during Sunday's Forum and got some great responses. I decided that my answer to that question is "poised". Merriam-Webster used "poised" in these ways:
The company is poised for success
The actors were poised on the stage, ready for the curtain to come up
A group of people poised between hope and fear
First Baptist is poised. We're ready to see what God has next for us.
1. We've had a year of significant healing and deepened existing relationships
2. Our Small Groups are finding their rhythm (they've completed 6 Service Projects / Parties in the last quarter!)
3. We're committed to the mission: making disciples by nurturing individuals in grace
4. We're seeing lives changed and we WANT to see more!
So we're poised. But poised for whatl?
That's a question Pastor David and I have been exploring lately. We hope you'll pray with us and come to one or both of these special events to explore what's coming this next year!
Let's get ready!

Join us on December 31st at 9:30 AM for a Sunday you do NOT want to miss!!

New to First Baptist? RSVP to our First Connections Class!